This week we have been learning about dental health since it is Dental Health month. Our class will be going on a field trip to our local dentist office next Friday so we wanted to cover this unit early in the month.
I found many ideas to help teach this unit on Pinterest. Just click on the picture below to go to my dental health board.
This week we made these minibooks from Sweet Sounds of Kindergarten called My Healthy Teeth. This is a freebie in her TpT store so head over and download it for yourself too! The kinders had to fill in the missing word which was "my". This was a good review of some sight words for them and they always love creating a new book to add to their book baskets that they can read easily during Read to Self (Daily 5).
My favorite activity we did this week was our tooth fairy craft and writing. This craft was a freebie from Angie Neal's TpT store - Tooth Fairy Art Activity. The kinders LOVED making these! They were so creative with the way they made theirs and each one was unique. Then they wrote about what they would do if they were the tooth fairy. These are by far one of my favorite things we have done this year!
I love how he turned his toothfairy into a boy with short pieces of hair! |
This one is so neatly made! |
Her writing is adorable: I would fly at night and I would give kids 5 dollars. |
I hope you are enjoying your Saturday. I am hoping for a relaxing weekend with my little family. I feel like we all need it. I am definitely looking forward to having Presidents Day off in just a little over a week.