A: App - Pinterest...I am addicted and love using it on my phone just as much as on the computer.
B: Book
Character - Clifford. There is a book for every occasion and my kinders always love them.
C: Clip
Art - KPM Doodles & Scrappin Doodles
D: Dollar Spot
Find - I love everything I find in the Dollar Spot but my most recent purchase that I love is the heart dice to play Valentine games with my kinders. (It is a good thing the closest Target is an hour away!)
E: Essential
To Start Day - A shower...I have to have one every morning to get my day started off right.
Font - Smiley Monster has been my favorite lately.
Game - I love Sudoku!
H: Holiday - Christmas...I have always loved Christmas and the older I get the more I look forward to it. It is such a happy time of year.
I: Ice
Cream - Strawberry Cheesecake - This was my childhood favorite and I still love it although it can be difficult to find.
J: Jewelry
Piece - My watch and wedding set - I am lost without them!
Kid-ism - "I need some hanitizer..."
L: Location To
Travel - The Smokey Mountains of North Carolina & Tennessee...I love visiting and it is close enough to drive in a matter of hours.
M: Management
Technique - clip chart - This is my first year using one and it is working well in my classroom. The kids love that they can move up and work harder to get their clothespins back to positive colors.
N: Nail Polish - I am usually a Watermelon pink girl or french manicure.
O: Open House
Idea - I always take a picture of my students the first day of school and then have them make a frame for their parents for open house.
P: Pinterest
Find - Using a paint chip as a tens frames...genius!!
http://pinterest.com/pin/39688040437014592/ |
Quote - "A person's a person no matter how small." -Dr. Seuss
Read-Aloud - Anything by Robert Munsch...he is so funny!
S: School
Supply - Crayola markers - I always treat myself to at least one new box each school year. They are the best writing markers.
Product - There are so many great products out there but here is the one I just purchased from Rowdy in Room 300. It is her Kindergarten Comprehension pack TWO! It is such a great practice pack for my kinders.
U: Un-Official
Hobby - making crafts inspired by Pinterest
V: Video Brain
Break - Just Dance for Kids video clips from YouTube
W: Way To
Spend A Day Off - relaxing with a great book at home or shopping with a friend
X: X-tra
Special Blogs You ♥ - There are so many, but here are a couple of my absolute favorites:

Y: Yummy
Dessert - chocolate eclair...so sinful!
Z: Zoo
Animal - manatee...I know this isn't really a zoo animal but it is my favorite animal and they do have them at some zoos in Florida.