Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Thank you Donors Choose For Our Sweet Seats!!

I am so excited to say that I have had another Donors Choose grant fully funded and my classroom received the new materials this week! My kinders were so excited when we had 8 (yes EIGHT!!) big boxes wheeled into our classroom. They didn't know what was coming until I opened the first box and they saw the new beanbags that were ours for our classroom. I wrote the grant for 8 "little" beanbags to use during Daily 5. They match the colors in my classroom and are red, blue and green. The kinders LOVED them. They were even more excited than usual for Read to Self time. Here are some pictures of them using the new beanbags. 

I am completely amazed at the generosity of the donors who have given this money to complete my classroom project. I do not know these donors and yet they have chosen to support my students. It is an amazing feeling to know people care about our kiddos!

If you have not written a Donors Choose grant before, I encourage you to do it. The best advice I have is to keep the materials you are requesting under $350 dollars for the best rate of success. I have found that the more expensive projects tend not to be funded in the allowed amount of time. Also, when your grant is posted make sure to let everyone know via Facebook and email. You also need to come up with a cute, snazzy title for your project so it will attract donors' attention. My title for this project was: "Please Be Sweet and Buy Us Seats!" You will be surprised where the donations pour in from! 

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