Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday Made It - Dry Erase To Do Board

I am linking up with Tara at 4th Grade Folics for her Monday Made It linky party. Hop on over to see some other great things made by teachers! :)

Ok...I have been reading everyone's cute Made It Monday posts and feeling like such a bad teacher for not having one too. I have been so busy this summer and just haven't gotten around to completing all my projects. This week I did manage to complete my dry erase to do board.

I think it will be adorable sitting on my desk!

The idea came from Pinterest (of course!).
Pinned Image


  1. So cute! I made one too a few weeks ago! :)

    ~ Lisa
    Teaching Kindergarten Kiddos

  2. Thanks ladies! I am pretty excited about using it on my desk to help keep me doing my "to-do" list! :)

    KinderKids Fun

  3. I saw this idea on Pinterest too & I can't wait to make it. Yours came out so cute!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  4. Love how your dry erase board turned out:) Super cute and functional:) Thanks for linking up;)

    4th Grade Frolics

  5. I have a frame with scrapbook paper inside to use at my my guided reading table! They're cute! :)

    Miss R's Room
