Thursday, July 5, 2012

July Currently

Well I somehow missed the June Currently linky party so I am joining in the July Currently linky party hosted by Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade. I can't believe that we are already 5 days in to July! The summer is going by too quickly!


  1. I certainly agree with you that the summer is going by too quickly! Make sure you enjoy the vacation time that you have left, I already saw Target setting up there back-to-school section and that signaled that the end is near! {tear, tear} I love teaching, but I also know it will be a rough year ahead (district action @ our school & a boy-heavy 30+ class size)!

    forkin 4th

  2. Love your idea for unlimited shopping spree! Wouldn't that be great? :)

  3. Antonia - I can't imagine having 30+ kids in 4th grade. I thought having 26 kinders was hard, but I hope you have a great year!

    Mrs. D - I can dream about an umlimited shopping spree right?!

    KinderKids Fun

  4. I have so many home projects I also need to complete, but somehow school crafts have taken over. Lol... I am your newest follower happy to have found you through the currently linky!


    005 Watkins' Way

  5. I love the new Dallas too! I almost didn't watch it because I hate when they remake a classic-but I was impressed! :)

