Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Summer Bucket List Update

So back in May, I linked up with Teri, Hadar, and April for their summer bucket list linky party. You can check out the detailed list by clicking here. Here is an update of my progress so far.

1) Read a few good books I have been wanting to read
Done! I have read about 12 books this summer and loved every minute of it!

2) Organize my monthly materials into the correct binders and boxes 
I have been working on this one. I think I have most of my materials in the correct locations now. YAH!!!

3) Some trips to the beach 
I have taken several day trips to the beach and spent some time basking in the sun with a book in my hands thanks to some great friends and family!

4) Create some activities and units for my TpT store 
I have been really bad about this one and haven't gotten any units completed. I really need to get busy before getting back into school full time.

5) Create a photobook of our wedding on Shutterfly 
This is a work in progress. I can't decide where to put every picture and I am so much of a perfectionist!

6) Learn more about my new Nikon d5100 DSLR camera
I have learned so much this summer from Pinterest and just playing around with the settings.

7) Some day/weekend trips to Lake Moultrie 
Actually, I got to go this past week for 5 days which was fabulous!!

8) Organize my classroom library  
I completed this about a month ago. I used slats from my window blinds cut in half to divide my books into themes and made labels to stick on each divider. It looks fantastic!

I think I have done pretty well so far. So now how are you doing with your bucket list??


  1. Wow, you go girl :) Looks like you are on track. At least the important things are done {reading, relaxing, lying on the beach}! I have a huge list and I'm sad to say it isn't getting much smaller...but I don't start teaching until after Labour Day, so I've still got time!
    Mrs. Bremer’s Kindergarten

  2. Don't you just love being able to cross things off your list! I didn't even make one because I knew I wouldn't get to everything--never do! :)

