Saturday, June 2, 2012

You Know It's Summer Vacation When...

I had to link up with Kindergarten Lifestyle for her summer vacation linky party!
This was me last night so now I am going to be a TIRED lady today! Haha!  

What do I do to join?
1. Right click the picture at the below and save it to your computer.
2. Open in Word or Powerpoint and insert a text box and type in your FINISH.
3. Save the slide or page as a jpg. Done!!

You can link up on Kindergarten Lifestyle's blog post! Join in the fun!


  1. Can I tell you a secret....I don't read for pure enjoyment (shhhh...) because I'm always reading professional teaching books. Gosh, I'm such a corny teacher! :0)

    Thank you for joining my linky party!

    Kindergarten Lifestyle.

  2. I love staying up to read too! I love to read and can't get enough time. :)
    Conversations in Literacy

  3. Summertime reading is my favorite! Breaks and vacas are the only time I feel like I have *time* to read for enjoyment. Speaking of summer I LOVE your blog design!! I looks like a fun summer party in and of itself and I'm now following :)

    ❤- Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  4. Summer vacation and other breaks are the only times that I find I can read for pleasure.

    Stephanie - Thanks for your sweet comment. I am now following your blog as well.

