Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Father's Day 2012

I spent a great Father's Day with my wonderful Daddy! He has always been someone I could look up to and has always been there for me. You could say that I am a Daddy's Girl through and through, especially since I am his only daughter and oldest child. 

My brother - Jeremy, Daddy, and I with his 4-legged children - Lexie & Toby

1 comment:

  1. Hey, We must of been thinking the same thing... I posted about my Behavior Clip Chart from last year -about the same time you posted!! I love your Calendars!! Is there anyone you could make me one with Monday through Friday for the whole month - and I could change the Month and add dates... I like to add about special assemblies, trips... Yours just is soo much better than mine! :)
    My Kindergarten Kids
